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Catalog No Product Name Cas Number
I01-0378 Sertaconazole nitrate 99592-32-2
I01-1040 Sotalol hydrochloride 959-24-0
I04-0123 S-T-Butylthio-L-cysteine 30044-51-0
I04-0144 Shikimic acid 138-59-0
I04-0172 Sodium lactobionate 27297-39-8
I04-0178 Sucralose 56038-13-2
I04-0192 Salicylic acid 69-72-7
I04-0299 Sodium trifluoromethanesulfonate 2926-30-9
I04-0311 Sodium 1-(3,4-dihydro-6-methyl-2,4-dioxo-2H-pyran-3-ylidene)ethanolate 4418-26-2
I04-0337 S,S-Dimethyl cyanoimidodithiocarbonate 10191-60-3
I05-0035 Sesamin 607-80-7
I05-0080 Semicarbazide 57-56-7
I05-0127 Sulfamide 7803-58-9
I05-0157 Sulfanilic acid 121-57-3
I06-0007 Synephrine 94-07-5 582-84-3
I06-0023 Sildenafil 139755-83-2
I06-0053 Sulbactam sodium 69388-84-7
I06-0054 Sulpiride 15676-16-1
I06-0076 Sumatriptan 103628-46-2
I06-0132 Sulbactam 68373-14-8

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