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Order online, order by email, and order by fax are all recommended. Generally, the order confirmation letter would be sent in 2 working days after receipt of your order information.
Each order must contain product name, shipping address, billing address, contact name and a phone number. Order form download Any order will be valid after we send a written order confirmation containing the order ID, and the applicable charges for shipping and packaging which the customer should pay for, Orders could only be cancelled within 24 hours after receipt of order confirmation, after that they become formal orders. And any changes of a formal order requires our approval.
With the order ID you could check the order status online, such as inventory preparation, detecting, apply to customs, shipment and so on.
.Order online
.TEL: +86 21 52685808
.FAX: +86 21 52685809
.Address:Suite 2113 Zhonghuan Building, No.3856-2 north Zhongshan Road, Shanghai China, Zip, 200063
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